" The beauty of the Talentscan lies in the fact that it is a relatively simple test with outstanding results. In a very short time-span, we gained insight in the talent available within our entire organization. We use this in various combinations, both at an individual, team and organizational level. As a result, most strategic decision making is based on these data. The cooperation with Gail is marked by her warm personality and care. I am impressed by her speed and drive but above all by her superior knowledge. "

Happy people grow your business
It’s your people that make the difference. Our unique approach empowers employees to develop themselves within an organizational context. Knowing your workforce, using HR-analytics enhances strategic decision making. Added value for the customer, the organization and the employee, that’s what we stand for.

Europe subsidizes sustainability
The European Social Fund supports projects aimed at sustainable employability and vitality with funds upto 10,000 euro. Europe supports continuous education for employees. Our data based approach fits the criteria. Complemented with in-company workshops, building strong teams. We support the application and work conform ESF standards.

How agile is your organisation?
Our unique model shows the resilience and agility of an organisation. We link these data to diversity in generations, intercultural diversity and the vitality of employees. Take people management to the next level. A relatively simple test offers tremendous insight and allows for strategic decision making.

Who completes our team?
Are you able to see the forest through the trees? Go for profiling instead of traditional recruitment. Know exactly who it is that completes your team. And find this person by a targeted search using your profile. Goal oriented and precise. Only invest time in qualitatively interesting candidates that fit your team best.

The solution for burn-out
1 million Dutch show symptoms of burn-out. In Belgium, 80,000 on an annual basis at the cost of € 35,000. In the Netherlands, the cost of sick-leave is estimated at € 275 a day. Our unique approach at a personal level sees to a quicker recovery with fewer days absence of work. Our vitality concept shows potential organizational and individual risks.

Why measure vitality?
Our vitality-scan show potential risk in both short and long-term non-attendance. Both at an individual, team and organizational level. To measure is to know who requires attention. Our vitality experts advise on how to prevent non-attendance. Insight is leadership styles and result oriented (team)coaching is part of the solution.

Old and worthless or valuable?
By raising the retirement age, the age structure in organisations change. Our generation scan offers insight. In contrast to common perception, older employees are less sick and priceless. Our experts offer insight in various communication styles across generations, create space for added value and stimulate company involvement.

Resilience for generation X and Y
17% of employees younger than 35 show symptoms of burn-out. In the Netherlands 240.000 young employees are affected. They experience (social) pressure, have unlimited possibilities, resulting in no longer knowing what they really want, restlessness and non-attendance. Our a specific approach targets at and supports young employees.

Why cows don’t bark
Every human is unique and born with specific talents. Competencies can be developed. Our educational system stimulates this. Current end-terms describe a jack of all trades. Generalism is the norm. But how about you? What drives you? What makes you uniquely you? What environment enhances your specific talents? Do the talent scan! Be surprised by its depth. It answers your specific questions.

Do we speak the same language?
Complementary teams are strong teams. However, people that are like each other, like each other. Is it possible to build complementary teams that are able to work together? The answer lies in the five sources of miscommunication. Insight in various communication styles builds bridges. Intercultural communication is part of that. Our workshops are inspiring, clarifying and result oriented.

Diversity or uniformity?
Although 90% of what managers and employees do all over the world is the same, how they achieve their objectives is vastly different. The impact cultural diversity has within organisations is huge. Not only from a global economic perspective of but even more from second and third generation immigrants. We all are living in a multi-cultural society. Our culture scan offers insight. Our workshops bridge the gap.

Talent & HR-analytics
People are the human capital of organisations. Utilising available talent determines efficiency. The talentscan generates data for HR-analytics. Become a preferred employer for talent! The government stimulates life-long learning. It is expected of employers to contribute. Our unique Talent Management System finds, enhances and ensures talent development. The ESF supports implementation up to 2019.

Post-Graduate courses
Internationally accredited training institute since 2003 (ABNLP), audited by CPION in 2009 and CRKBO registered. Gail’s Academy trainers are known for their quality.Learn from the experts and become one yourself. We offer certified training courses, workshops, masterclasses and supervision. We contribute to continued education for employees through workshops and team coaching.

Talent & organisational expert
Learn how to apply the talent scan and generate data for HR-analytics. As a coach or consultant you learn about the background of the model, the relationship with existing management models, how to analyse data and how to communicate with both client and organisation. As a talent expert you are able to use the Talent Management System and to apply profiling in recruitment. Being a consultant, you are the difference!

Become a vitality expert
A vitality expert prevents and recovers burn-out. Learn about the various aspects leading to burn-out. Learn to apply the vitality scan and the NES-Health system for fewer days leave of absence. Using a solution-focused approach into coaching, recuperate from mental and physical symptoms faster. To be used both within organisations and in a private practice.

How agile are you?
The added value of emotional intelligence. Measuring IQ is common practice. However, EQ can now be tested as well. Looking at the theory behind EQ, we explain the essentials for modern management success. Learn how the brain functions in relation to decision making. What’s the role of emotions in life and let them work for you! As a manager, what’s your agility? Become a true human leader, both flexible and concerned.